Look how I sound!
Workshop aimed at adults and young people to visualize sound on matter and generate creative processes through the acoustic science of cymatics.
The workshop See how it sounds! , was born in the La Panera Art Center in Lleida and has been carried out in several civic centers, the Master's Degree in Sound Art at the University of Barcelona and different teaching spaces, it aims to show participants the ability of sound to create structures visuals on matter, through the science of cymatics. The participants will discover how through different types of materials such as sand, water, etc. they are subjected to sound vibrations generating drawings, patterns and geometric figures.
The experimental process allows participants to explore the multiple possibilities of creation in the field of contemporary art. During the workshop, the students will experiment first-hand with these materials and will generate a final piece in the form of a work, a Visual/sound mural as a collaborative work project among all the participants.
The first part of the Workshop consists of a short introduction and brief explanation of what it is, the science of cymatics. Examples of videos of different artists who have used sound to generate acoustic figures will be exhibited as a way of introducing the students of the workshop to the subject. (30-45 minutes).
In the second part of the workshop, the students will begin the experimental process in order to visualize the sound on different materials, such as plates with various shapes, musical instruments, salt, sand, water or lycopod spores. The students during this work, will proceed to make drawings on paper, of the acoustic figures that they like the most to generate a joint final piece, from those figures that have most caught their attention (1 hour).
During the third part of the workshop, the students, using digital tools such as an Arduino board and a seismograph, will learn to work and visualize sound both in analog form and in the digital field and experiment with different resonance processes. During the learning process they will understand the difference between analog sound and digital sound. (30-45 minutes).
The final part of the workshop will consist of the realization of a joint mural piece either by means of metal plates on which acoustic figures will be made or by means of photographs. These will be fixed by spray painting. The students will join their plates to generate a large sound mural on the floor, which will be assembled in the form of a puzzle, to visualize the different patterns that sound can generate. (1 hour and 30 minutes).
Total duration of the workshop: 4 hours.
Workshop Price: 800 Euros.
*The workshop includes all equipment and work materials provided by the artist.